Google Cloud Traffic Visualization
Data Visualization
Bay Area Melting Pot: A Region of Immigrants
Data Visualization
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Real-Time Traffic Visuailizations for The Washington Post
While at Stamen I had the opportunity to work with The Washington Post to create a real-time visualization displaying traffic on their site. The visualization had two different forms: a trend graph that showed if stories were trending up or down (reflected on the y-axis) and a cluster chart that showed page views for each story (each circle is a story with the diameter representing page views) grouped by section in the paper (signified by the color). Intended to be running 24/7 in their news room, with these two views their team could at a glance see which individual stories were trending in a positive or negative direction, which were receiving the most page views, and the proportion of views each section wac contributing.
You can read about how we achieved these views in this technical blog post.
Google Cloud Traffic Visualization
Data Visualization
Bay Area Melting Pot: A Region of Immigrants
Data Visualization